Lots of camels?

Published: Wednesday, 09 May 2012

IT WOULD would appear to me that CART is sprouting committees like my lawn sprouts weeds. I haven't bothered to put a number to them although I dare say someone could, but there does seem to be rather a lot, writes Orph Mable.

Now I know that the majority of these committees are made up of 'volunteers' who are not paid directly by CART but the expenses of these committee attendees are.

Drain on limited funds

Being a born cynic, I feel that this outlay could become quite a burden to the Trust and a sizeable drain on limited funds. I am unaware of what the Trust would consider a 'fair' level of claim for travel or accommodation but I would not expect some of the 'worthies' named thus far to accept 'Travel Lodge' style or B&B.

Reasonable cost

I do not question the ability or motives of good intent by these 'volunteers', and would hope that the new Trust and waterways will benefit from their support. I just hope that beneficial decisions do come from them at a reasonable cost.

I am reminded of the old adage 'A camel is a racehorse designed by committee'. Hope we don't see a lot of camels!