Canal & River Trust not registered

Published: Monday, 28 November 2011

THE Charities Commission have told a boater that British Waterways have not yet applied for charity status for Canal & River Trust.

Like many other boaters, worried about the way British Waterways are handling the changeover to a charity, Graham Phillips contacted the Charity Commission as he was concerned at the low number of boaters as stakeholders.

Not registered

In a reply from Shirley Banks, Charity Commission Direct, he was told 'We are not in a position to respond to your concerns as the Canal and River Trust (the Trust) does not appear to have approached us for registration as a charity at this time'.

To which Graham tells us:

"Strange this. I asked the Charities Commission to look into boaters who pay a licence having a say as stakeholders in the Canal & River Trust, and this was their reply. Perhaps its just me but I thought things would be further forward by now?

Shirley went on to tell Graham that his correspondence will remain on file, to be considered in the event an application is made from the Trust to register as a charity.

As our Allan Richards points out, one on the things the transition trustees have to do is convince the Charity Commission that the Trust is financially viable...