Parliamentary meeting 'on' again
The All Party Parliamentary Waterways Group (APPWG) is having another attempt to meet with the Waterways Minister, Richard Benyon on Thursday 8th December, writes Allan Richards.
This is excellent news for those who agree with Inland Waterways Association's view that government is turning its quango, British Waterways, into a charity, Canal & River Trust (CART) without adequate funding 'just to get it off its books'.
The credibility gap
The meeting follows a call from one of the member's of the APPWG, Andrew Miller (Ellesmere Port and Neston) for a debate in the House after being sent a link to narrowboatworld's article 'The credibility gap' (24/10/2011) which highlights the massive differences between what the APPWG were told about funding by various parties and what British Waterways are now saying.
The article suggested that British Waterways' chief executive be recalled to explain the the differences between what he told APPWG regarding the funding gap and what was said at British Waterways' last annual meeting.
However, it now seems that the APPWG intends to hold the minister to account on this matter.
Ostensibly, the purpose of the meeting is to allow the minister to report on its consultation regarding the future of the waterways, and the consideration that government gave to to the group's memorandum 'The future of the Waterways' which was submitted last July.
However, as that memorandum already had concerns about funding saying 'We recommend that Government seeks an independent professional evaluation of British Waterways' financial projections and methodology to verify the financial requirements' the APPWG will want to know why this advice was ignored.
The last APPWG meeting which invited transition trustees, including Chairman, Tony Hales, was cancelled on the day as some failed to attend. This has already led one cynic to comment 'Let's hope the minister turns up!'