Email: Ashamed

Published: Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Narrowboatworld, I'm ashamed of you! That you would want to publish that there's such a thing as a ‘Senior Waterways Chaplain' and not comment?

I thought the Salvation Army was dead! All the other religions have been found out! If this one hasn't, it's only a question of time!

Victor Hugo (that other Victor!) said that there is in every village a torch—the teacher; and an extinguisher—the clergyman!

Believe you me, the last thing the down-at-heel all need is more ‘dealers' proselytising for their imaginary friends! There should be no boat dwellers in so much desperate need that imaginary friend believers should feel themselves able to ‘save' them!

If some people want to do something constructive, start a charity that ‘connects' those in need with the state's social services and campaigns for their land-based assistance, if there's not one such already!

If boaters don't have enough to eat, they sure as heck don't have enough to properly maintain a boat! That puts both themselves and us in danger.

They need practical help, and Citizens Advice Bureau style too, and certainly not help from people who already need more help themselves than I'm qualified to give!

As for telling it like it is, narrowboatworld, I can do no better than quote Carl Sagan: "It is better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."

The story here is that there may be people in trouble, what is being done to sort it? If we don't sort it out, the religions will seek to interfere, exploiting an opportunity from peoples misery!

Such as that nice ‘Captain' Jenny Dibsdall, replete with special jacket, no doubt with a pair of sticks, cross-fashion, on it, oh and a windlass...

Geoff Smith, Nb Minimo.