Email: Lee & Stort moorings

Published: Friday, 02 September 2011

This is a typical Sally Ash cock up. In this case her action will prevent the genuine visitor and genuine continuous cruiser from finding the best spots as those that have up to now circumvented the system, now have a licence to do so.

I have no need to list the foul ups in which this woman has been involved, but I am sure that starting with the moorings auction fiasco, others can add their own favourites.

How does she keep her job? She must have a very good lawyer otherwise she would have been out on her ear ages ago.

On a broader note it really does seem that British Waterways are working against the ordinary boater at the moment, just at the point where they are asking for volunteers to do unpaid work. This will no doubt be under British Waterways' direction and supervision. There are those within the boating community who have been carrying out just such work without British Waterways even noticing.

Indeed it is vital that it does not notice, for if it does, those engaged in the work will find themselves bound up in red (and yellow?) tape, and bound by all sorts of hitherto unknown rules and regulations and of course the dreaded Defra rash.

Tony Collins