Sainsbury's or marina
INSTEAD of a Sainsbury's by the side of the Rochdale Canal at Todmorden, there is a grandiose plan for a marina including a hotel and leisure facilities and mixed-use housing.
The plan is for a 52 berths marina, that is obviously the focus of the scheme, and has been put forward as an alternative to a supermarket, Alan Tilbury reveals.
Waterside development
Architect Ivor Dibble has introduced the scheme in conjunction with Todmorden Pride to investigate the potential for the site as a waterside development.
He believes the marina would attract tourists and link in with Incredible Edible Todmorden's Green Trail, and the scheme would not need public funding.
Of course it is not realised that there is a glut of empty marina berths at the moment, and grave doubt that a marina would be a viable investment.