Canal 'Wedding' row
IT IS the wedding of course, and the celebrations that are to be held at the canal basin on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal at Skipton is upsetting local landlords.
The pub landlords believe the day of the royal wedding would have been a very lucrative day for them, but will be blighted by the big celebration at the canal basin, Alan Tilbury tells us.
Not have included
Many of the town's pubs and food businesses say the party in the canal basin on the day of the wedding should not have included food and a bar.
Money for the event has been provided by the Skipton Business Improvement District (BID), but the landlord believe the association should be helping them—the businesses, and not setting up competition.
Live screening
The event will include the live screening of the wedding, that will of course harm the pubs expecting to benefit from the occasion.
But BID president Joan Evans said the event was aimed at encouraging people into the town as a whole.
The landlords are annoyed that the town council actually invited every resident to the screening, with it pointing out that food and a bar would be provided.