Worries about Cemex plant polluting the Avon
Roy Sandison of the Green Party has described the plans to build the plant next to the river as ‘sheer madness’ and that if the plans get the go ahead it could mean that the Avon becomes ‘one of the most polluted rivers in the country'.
He believes that every town and village downstream of the plant, including Evesham, Pershore, Bidford and Tewkesbury, will feel the effects in terms of the river’s cleanliness, flooding, tourism factors and the health of wildlife, stating:
“This is a disaster waiting to happen, whereby communities along the river, wildlife and also national tourist attractions across Warwickshire, Worcestershire and beyond, face the real danger of our historic Avon becoming one of the most polluted in the country.
“We are also very concerned that water taken from the Avon for drinking could also become contaminated.”
However, Cemex refuted the allegations of the plant causing pollution stating that the scheme would be good for the environment.
The proposals are to build a plant to turn rubbish into fuel for the Cemex cement plant, and will go before Warwickshire County Council later this year.