Blaming the weather is misleading
I HAVEN'T contributed for a few years. But I felt the need as it is so misleading, writes Stewart Downs.
About how CaRT and others are blaming the weather. When it's the lack of preventive maintenance, which is the root cause of a lot of stoppages etc.
Bridgewater breach
On the 2nd August 1971 the Bridgewater Canal breached very close to the location of the current breach which occurred on New Year's eve at the end of last year.
Quite a few news outlets are reporting that the recent breach was caused by sustained heavy rain over the previous weeks.
If you look at the weather prior to the breach which occurred on 2nd August 1971. You will find that we had one of the warmest July's on record and one of the dryest since 1955! My memory is a little vague, but I can remember decimalisation that year and a warm summer camping with my parents.
There is little doubt that our waterways and especially our canals are deteriorating at an alarming rate. But to blame the weather, when it is clear to everyone that travels the system, that little or no preventative maintenance is carried out is very misleading.
The above picture shows the Bridgewater breach with the lower one showing the breach on the Caldon Canal
Boating season reduced
Having lived by the Thames all my life, I do accept that the weather is somewhat more damp! The boating season has been reduced by several months as it's in flood for more than six months every year. But the Environment Agency always manage to control the excess flow and minimise waterways structural damage. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for Canal & River Trust or in the Bridgewater's case, Peel Holdings.
We have been very fortunate to have been able to explore 75% of the waterways system over the last 25 years. However, we no longer travel down dead ends of canals as we are in fear of becoming trapped. We are constantly checking out each lock we navigate through to make sure it will be serviceable on our return journey.
Unless more funding can be found and new management who focus on preventative maintenance rather than damage control, breaches and serious structural failures will be the norm.
It's such a shame that our heritage is being allowed to fall apart.
Stewart Downs. NB Blue Griffin