Still no boating on chemical spill section of Walsall Canal

Published: Thursday, 26 December 2024

IT IS over four months since the cyanide spill in a section of the Walsall Canal.

But it still remains closed to boats, Janet Friend reports.


It is estimated that 880 gallons of cyanide and other chemicals leaked into the waterway, spreading with the flow of the canal for around 12 miles in August.

And though the towpath was reopened in early October, boaters are still not allowed to navigate north of Ocker Hill junction to the junction with the Wyrley & Essington Canal, and the public should avoid contact with the water.

Canal & River Trust maintains it is waiting for the results of an ecological report into the condition of the water that must be clear before boats can be allowed. The picture is of people removing some of the thousands of dead fish.

Prevent silt being disturbed

The trust telling the closure was put in place to prevent the disturbance of silt on the canal bed which could risk further pollutants being released into the water.

The source of the spill was confirmed as coming from Anochrome Ltd, that admitted it had 'regrettably' released chemicals into the Walsall Canal and had made all facilities available to the authorities and agencies.