Erewash moorer tells it like it is
IT IS ALRIGHT David Brewin saying that the Erewash saga should be put to bed, writes Paula Drew.
But he obviously doesn't moor there, whilst we do.
More information
And we find that reading about it on your site all too often gives more information, that is handy for us who do moor on the Erewash, than those official stoppage notices that very often get it wrong, which is better for us boaters knowing the truth when planning, say a weekend away in our boat, as none of the others dare say anything detrimental against the Canal & River Trust only giving the goody, goody and to hell with the facts! (Hope you include this, as like others on our moorings we find one particular one a laugh continually plugging the Canal & River Trust!)
Anyway, back to the saga being put to bed, just keep telling what really is happening and not the party line.
If this sees the light of day, then thank you very much and keep 'telling it like it is' particulary on the Erewash.