Pick up the litter

Published: Thursday, 17 October 2024

THIS half term, the Canal & River Trust is encouraging families to join its #PlasticsChallenge and take action on their local canal to fight the global issue of plastic pollution.

gu cleanA perfect time

It tells autumn is a perfect time to visit, with trees and hedges turning canals into spectacular corridors of red and gold. And, by picking up some plastic, those taking part can get a feel-good boost from being close to nature while taking action to protect it.

Plastic rubbish damages vital waterside habitats, impacts water quality, endangers species such as aquatic birds, water voles and otters, and ultimately can end up flowing out into the oceans, the trust telling:

Joining the Canal & River Trust’s #PlasticsChallenge and doing a litter pick at a local canal is an awesome way to spend time outdoors with family and friends and help to protect the world’s oceans by making a positive change in the local area.

Carefully collect

  ♦ Visit your local canal and carefully collect any plastic you see
  Dispose of it safely and sustainably by taking it home to recycle
  Spread the word! Take pictures of your pick and use #PlasticsChallenge on social media to encourage others to get involved

The picture shows an unusual of way of collecting rubbish from the canal.

CollectingRubbishBikeRichard Parry, Chief Executive at the Canal & River Trust, explained:

“Plastic pollution is a modern-day menace, but there is something families can do for free, on their doorsteps, to make a difference. This autumn, join thousands of people from across the world, including our fantastic colleagues and volunteers, in fighting plastic rubbish. It’s one of the loveliest times of year to visit the canals, as the turning leaves transform them into glorious corridors of orange, brown, red and gold. But sometimes the rustle of fallen leaves is actually the sound of a discarded crisp packet or a piece of plastic. Don’t let plastic become part of our nature.

“Autumn is a great time to get involved—come along for a walk and, if you find any litter, pick it up and take it home to recycle. Get creative and find a picturesque backdrop to showcase your action and share the results with us! Being by the water makes people healthier and happier so, whatever you choose to do, a trip to your local canal is the perfect way to enjoy an autumnal afternoon.”

The UK’s canals and rivers are full of wonderful spots to enjoy the changing season and take some great photos. Every stretch of waterway has its charms, and the trust is encouraging people to explore and find their own special place on their doorsteps.