Victor believes it only upsets
HOW is it when there is someone missing from a boat that people go on the rampage with their stupid remarks about it on social media?
That do little but to serve their egos as people who know nothing, but so distress the family.
This concerns the rower who is still missing after entering the water from a rowing boat near Wheatley's Eyot whilst the Thames was in flood, that promoted such remarks as:
'He want to loose his identity with people believing he had drowned' and 'He won't be found after all this time' and 'Why waste police time their still waiting for a week, he's well gone'. And there are many comments that relate to the river being in flood.
They were getting so bad that Surrey Police asked people not to share footage of the incident circulating, such as the above on social media, to minimise distress to the man’s family, and are asking for any footage to be sent to them directly so they can deal with such people.
Saturday was the sixth day since the 60 years old man went missing with the Weybridge Rowing club, of which he was a member, 'devastated'.
Getting away with it
There are many boats moored at Bulbourne on the Grand Union Canal summit that have been there for weeks and certainly for more than the official 14 days, with no spaces left and with many setting up untidy workspaces.
There is even a rowing boat that has been discarded and left upside down on the picnic area.
So Is living aboard getting more popular? Asks our contributor on the summit. Even the space for the boats of the 'cottages and dry-dock users only' is full. The times they are a'changing he remarks!
On our cruise around the Four Counties I saw such boats on the towpath side that had become somewhat permanent, with clutter around them which surely shows that the trust has no interest in them whatsoever, no matter that they were breaking the rules, as outdated licences were the norm, if any.
There is obviously no attempt by Canal & River Trust to do anything about the problem that is costing them money, as I wonder how many have licences.
Surely not that thick?
Stoppages notices, I discover, are written by someone from the area where they occur. But one from the Leicester area takes some beating, it telling:
The narrowboat which has succumbed to flood water and is sinking, remains located below Kegworth flood lock on the River Soar.
It is on the approach mooring and is nearly fully submerged.
The boat is currently moored safely above the lock and no longer poses a hazard. Please proceed with care.
How about that then? (Our underline.) Surely they must realise that a boat just cannot be in two places at once!
Will take it
Just had an email concerning that sunken boat at Kegworth Flood Lock by someone who is interest in buying it should the owner now want to get rid.
Just send us an email so that the person's email can be sent on.
No visitors
The work to upgrade the canal towpath between Saltaire and Bingley on the Leeds & Liverpool is to take around two months, and during that time it will be closed to all.
It starts on Monday and so the two miles section will eventually be better for cyclists, Sustrans relates. (For 'better' read 'faster!)
Not sure if the towpath stoppage affects boaters.
Our Keith reports that CaRT are to repair the structural damage of a hole appearing in the bottom gate of Thurmaston Lock on the Leicester section that closed the navigation way back on Friday 27th September.
All well and good, but didn't see a stoppage notice at that time? Wonder how many more don't see the light of day?
There's one of the many comments received concerning narrowboatworld that I must slip in and hope our esteemed doesn't mind for once.
It's sent in by one of our many contributors who remarks—there is absolutely nothing to compare!
I like it! And so right too! Plus something from She Who Must Be Obeyed who told me—Where else can you find a waterways publication that doesn't toe the party line. Bang-on lass, for there aren't any! Eh?
Victor Swift—telling tales for 24 years