Worries over government cut in spending on the Montgomery Canal
A TOTAL of £13.9m in government money was agreed for the £15.4m restoration of the Montgomery Canal in 2021 but all spending has to be agreed by the new government next March.
Great concerns
This has caused great concerns with it told at a Powys council committee meeting that this would be 'totally indefensible' if the multimillion pound restoration of a 4.4 mile section of canal on the Wales-England border is allowed to fall short.
A Powys council committee meeting was told a delay in earmarking about £6m in spending was due to a number of issues and officials would seek a nine month extension, Welshpool Councillor Graham Breeze complaining:
"The reputational damage this would cause if we fail to deliver this project is absolutely enormous and totally indefensible.
"What has really concerned me is that the first I heard of a delay and possible loss of the funding is when I read it in the newspapers."
'Medium' risk
Council auditors told there was a 'medium' risk the project would not be delivered due to spending deadlines.
The report stated any underspend could be clawed back with a new government in Westminster having different spending priorities.
Councillor David Selby, council cabinet member for economic development and regeneration, explained that July's general election had 'caused us great problems'.