Unsafe towpath on the Oxford

Published: Wednesday, 27 September 2023

AN INSPECTION  has shown that a section of the of towpath on the Oxford Canal  is unsafe.

So Canal & River Trust has decided to close the section (near to the M6 Motorway) immediately, Keith Gudgin reports.

Worsening the condition

While the trust maintain it has managed to keep the towpath open until now through local spot repairs, the challenges with vegetation cuts this year has pushed users to walk closer to the edge, worsening the condition of the path and bank to the point where it is no longer safe between Nettlehill Bridge (24) and Grimes Bridge, (26) so the towpath has been closed between these bridges until repaired next year.

There is discussion with contractors about cutting back the vegetation and creating a safe route until the full repair can be made. This will be a complex task due to the poor access and ground condition, and is likely to take several weeks to complete.