Still more closures
WITH what is called the 'season' fast approaching there are a great many waterway closures.
Two more closures in addition to those on the Aire & Calder, Keith Gudgin reports.
A fault
The Caldon Canal is closed with Ivy House Road Lift Bridge (1) having failed yesterday, Tuesday, owing to a fault.
This morning it was discovered the failure was caused by the hydraulic motor having burnt-out so the bridge is currently still inoperable.
However, it is understood a motor has been sourced and will be fitted, hopefully today.
Winkwell fails again
And yet again it is the 'Winkwell on the Blink' as this swing bridge on the Grand Union Canal fails yet again. This time it lasted since the 1st March, when it last failed—just over a month.
This stoppage we are told is due to an electrical fault.