This is ridiculous

Published: Wednesday, 14 December 2022

YET again the 'Wink' is on the blink.

This year alone it failed in January, February, June, November and now this Monday 12th December, Keith Gudgin reports.

WinkwellRuined holidays

Of course it is not only this Hemel Hempstead swing bridge on the Grand Union that has constant failures, but many others, so preventing navigation and causing problems for Canal & River Trust's customers and obviously ruined holidays.

Swing bridges seem to be contractor's Waterloo, with constant failing and 10 failing in September alone!

It is very obvious that the contractors undergoing the repairs cannot know what they are doing.

Still needed attention

Over the past two seasons, first with Coronavirus then this year's lack of water with many closures, canals such as the Leeds & Liverpool saw little navigation, yet swing bridges still needed attention time after time.

The trust should surely investigate as the never-ending repairs are costing ill afforded millions.