Getting tough on non-licence payers

Published: Friday, 03 May 2019

THE Canal & River Trust tells that 106 boats were removed from its canals and rivers over the past year.

These were unlicensed or in breach of its terms and conditions and despite it tells of the best efforts of Boat Licence Customer Support team.

boat from GU 1Valid licence

It maintains that 96.5% of boaters are now holding a valid licence, and the tenth year licence compliance has remained above 95%, though lower in London and the South East..

Once again the trust tells that boat numbers are increasing, this time at 2.3%

Licenced correctly

 Jon Horsfall, Head of Customer Service Support at Canal & River Trust, explained:

“I’d like to thank all those boaters who pay their licence on time. It’s important that boats are licenced correctly. Not only does this mean they’re insured and hold a boat safety certificate, but it means they’re playing their part in contributing to the huge task of keeping our canals and rivers open. Boat licences contribute around 10% of our total income so it’s important that everyone who keeps a boat on our waterways pays their fair share.

“Our Boat Licence Customer Support team is out every day helping boaters who might be struggling with their licence requirements. We always urge boaters to talk to us, as in the vast majority of cases we’re able to find a way to keep people on the water.