BiWOTA 2015

Published: Wednesday, 24 June 2015

FOR those of you who are at a loss to understand the heading, BiWota, it is British Inland Waterway on the Air—radio amateurs.

Its next  event will be held over the August Bank Holiday weekend of the 29th to 31st August 2015.

Open to all amateurs

The event is open to all amateurs who are boaters, cyclists, walkers or other users of the canals, rivers, towpaths, or riverbanks for work or recreation, Keith Gudgin, himself such a radio amateur tells us.

Many clubs and individual amateurs on or near the UK inland waterways obtain SpecialEvent Station (SES) callsigns. Others operate mobile or portable using their own callsigns. Many more like to contact the BiWota stations.

It is also a good chance for WAB enthusiasts to get some rare WAB squares.

Primary band

Keith tells us:

"The primary band will be 40m (7MHz) but all bands will be acceptable. The aim of the event is to bring together radio amateurs who regularly use the waterways to celebrate their hobby and raise awareness of the UK waterways.

"More details can be found on the BiWota facebook page or on the RSGB Special Interest Group—BiWota page

If you would like to take part this year  email <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>.

Giving, as appropriate, your:

Callsign (SES, or personal)
Club Callsign (if it's a club station)
Operators name(s) (or club contact and callsign)
Boat or Radio Club name
Station Location including waterway
Planned Bands
Home station or Radio Club Location
Station Maidenhead locator and WAB square (if known)

The listing will then be put on the website for all to see and details will be sent out as and when they become available.

Tell your friends and colleagues to catch you on the air...