More problems on the 'Narrow'

Published: Wednesday, 01 March 2017

THE recent articles in narrowboatworld of the inadequacies of the state of the Huddersfield Narrow are being compounded by the news that it will now be closed until the end of March.

The stoppage at Wade Lock 21W at Uppermill that had a wall damaged by flooding in December will now be extended after it has been discovered the work required to repair the wall will be much more than originally thought, Keith Gudgin tells us.

Carry on longer

It is clear that work will need to carry on longer than the original planned completion date of the 17th March.

Canal & River Trust had considered whether to part complete the wall and open the navigation, but have decided to complete the repairs as there is little merit in incurring the additional costs that a return would require or the disruption caused from the work being part done then have to be attended to later in the summer.

This decision has been reached as Uppermill is a popular mooring place, and a further stoppage would impact on boaters temporarily moored there.