Work progressing on the Cotswold Canals

Published: Wednesday, 01 March 2017

WORK is still progressing on the restoration of the Cotswold Canals, Canal Project Manager, Dave Marshall, reports.

This includes:

1. Dredging of 700m of channel
2. Completion of 2 volunteer-led lock restorations
3. 350m of bank reinforcement and towpath upgrade
4. Work well underway at Wallbridge Lower Lock
5. Completed repairs to the canalside revetment above that Lock
6. New towpath signage and interpretation panels.

Bowbridge Bridge

Currently, work by contractors is well underway at Bowbridge Bridge, removing another obstruction to navigation. Volunteers continue to dredge a 400m stretch further upstream. Moreover, volunteer-led work has now begun on the stretch of the Cotswold Canals between Stonehouse and Saul Junction.

Our own volunteers, joined by WRGies, have cleared 250m of channel since Christmas. Another team has completed a survey of Westfield Lock, which was partly blown up during construction of the M5!

Invest £3 millions

Could we also celebrate the fact that as well as leading this restoration, Stroud District Council has now agreed to invest £3m in restoration of this next stretch? The council intends that this match funding greatly increases the chances of a successful Heritage Lottery bid—which will be made in November.