CaRT to encourage fair use of K&A

Published: Saturday, 03 May 2014

THE Canal & River Trust has now published its response to the Kennet & Avon Canal towpath mooring plan consultation, to attempt to encourage fair use of the busy stretch of the waterway between Devizes and Bath, and tells us:

Large numbers of moored boats, complaints about boats moored in one area for long periods of time, and concerns from boaters and other stakeholders about the continued growth in boat numbers, led the Trust to support the development of a local plan for this part of the network. We had worked extensively with local partners over many years to try to reach an agreed way forward, and over the past 12 months our Kennet & Avon Canal Waterway Partnership—made up of a group of local stakeholders—developed and consulted on a towpath mooring plan for the area.

Bulk now implemented

We are very grateful for the work that the Partnership has done and the contributions made by the many people who responded to the Consultation. With some modifications, discussed with the Partnership, we will implement the bulk of the proposed plan from 1st May.

Boaters without a home mooring on the western end of the canal between Bath and the bottom of the Caen Hill flight, who adopt the range of movement and mooring described in the response published today, will not face enforcement action by the Trust for a 12 month interim period.  [Boaters—without an home mooring—must move to a new location within every 14 days or more frequently, with the mooring pattern spread over different shown locations with movement of 13 miles.  Checkers will be in operation.]

Monitor the impact

Overall, we believe that this offers the best way of achieving the long-sought improvements to the canal that will benefit all users. We will work with the Partnership to monitor the impact of this plan over the 12 months period.

We are now working on the steps needed to put the new arrangements into practice. These include developing communications materials for boaters, adjusting monitoring systems and updating signage.

To read the Trust's full response, please visit: