CaRT Facebook post deleted

Published: Monday, 19 November 2012
NOTWITHSTANDING the comment from a spokesman from CaRT that its Facebook posts are not deleted, another one has been.

A boater posted the following on its Facebook today (Monday), that appeared for a short time but was then deleted:

As something billed as 'history in the making' and with poor attendance, I felt it left much to be desired. I am sure that the £100,000 that is going into the potty poetry Locklines project could be better spent elsewhere. One example, that has been mentioned in other forums is the collapsed wall at Hillmorton which was just a few yards from the chuggers gazebo.
Having said that, I really did enjoy seeing a Hillmorton lock, which I have been through nine times this year, from the bottom up and I am sure boaters and non boaters alike will be just as fascinated.

Just cut out the poetry!