Upsetting anglers

Published: Monday, 16 April 2012

THE closure of part of the Grand Union Canal and heavy restrictions on the rest of the waterway have meant much more traffic on the Oxford Canal, it being the only North/South route open.

This is greatly upsetting anglers with a report that 'The latest North Oxford AS match on the Oxford Canal at King's Bridge was spoilt for most of the ten anglers by some very heavy boat traffic'.

Beat the boats

The report goes on to state that 'Roger Brown was able to find three good chub on caster for 7.0.0, plus bits, for a winning weight of 9.6.0', that prompted the article's title Brown beats the boats.

It was boater J Ford who tells us that he had some 'unnecessary comments' from anglers whilst cruising the Oxford on Saturday, but omitted to state on what section, though added it would become more common as other waterways were closed.