Hope for Basingstoke

Published: Monday, 14 November 2011

THE future for Basingstoke Canal looks very much brighter, with work under way and further work planned.

Work completed and underway by the Basingstoke Canal Authority includes top gates at Lock 12 having been fitted and the pound above re-filled.

Test case

Contract works continue to Lock 19. These works being very much a test case for other lock related works. The damaged sections of the by-wash outfall have been removed and are currently being rebuilt. Works have started to lock 20

A completed and revised schedule of works and replacement programme for lock gates is to be produced and confirmed by the Basingstoke Canal Authority.

Costing for funds

Lock 25 has been visited, and a works schedule has been sent to the contractor for pricing.  The other locks in the Deepcut Flight have been visited and a works schedule will be costed to apply for further funds.

The area of subsidence at Lock 12 has been filled, but the developing
depression in the towpath is to be further investigated, and extensive vegetation clearance is in progress on the Hampshire Pound and is
being carried out by both the Basingstoke Canal Authority team and Volunteers from the Surrey and Hants Canal Society.