In the muck

Published: Monday, 10 January 2011

THE Birmingham Canal Navigations Society work party January pantomime at Titford was performed on Saturday 8th. below lock number two of the Oldbury flight, writes Brian Holmes.

The stage was set early by putting Phoenix and Crow below Lock 2, and draining the pound—in conjunction with British Waterways—of course!

Pit of Hell

A cast of 40 members was led down the ladders into the Pit of Hell by the Demon King and supported by Cinderella losing a slipper (Wellington boot) in the mud, the Wicked Wizard and Ali Baba with his thieves recovering a thousand bricks.

Dandini (slap my thigh) recovering from a hangover and rescuing fish, the Fairy Godmothers (makers of excellent bacon butties, cake, soup, coffee, tea and sympathy) and the brilliant chorus of Sunbeams gracing us with warmth and brightness.


The bricks and other detritus were loaded into workboat Phoenix together with its butty Crow and they are seen in the picture sitting in the pound waiting re-floatation.
Intermediate sustenance was available from the cabin of Phoenix as can be seen in the picture, and saved a walk back to the Pumphouse headquarters where welcome supplies were constantly and readily available.