Woodseaves Cutting open tomorrow—Friday

Published: Thursday, 30 January 2025

IT WAS OVER seven weeks ago that Woodseaves Cutting was hit by Storm Darragh that toppled trees and vegetation into the waterway between bridges 56 and 59.

This closed the Shropshire Union Canal ever since, Keith Gudgin reports.

WoodseavesBut now it seems that the contractors have finally managed to clear the debris with Canal & River Trust claiming the waterway will reopen tomorrow, Friday.

Many reason given

Many reasons were given for the time needed to clear the waterway, including a tree with too large a trunk, though a work boat had been there since December, with a grabber that made the work easier.

But as usual is was 5pm on a Friday—the end of the working week—that it was finished by the contractors.

Boaters stuck at both ends will be pleased to know that the end is in sight!