Funds given to restore more of the Montgomery Canal

Published: Monday, 30 September 2024

WORK to restore a further section of the Montgomery Canal is being being funded by Shropshire Council's Rural Prosperity Fund.

However there is a condition that it must been completed by April 2025, Janet Friend reports.

CrickheathTramwayThe society tells it is to rebuild Crickheath Tramway Wharf (pictured) and restore nearly 400 metres of the waterway and it is at present under budget and ahead of schedule, with volunteers actively involved.

Additional work

This means the fund has authorisation for additional work that will enable preparation for a further 130 metres for later restoration.

Project manager, Tom Fulda explained:

"I put this success down to 'relentlessly frugal purchasing' and our ability to attract a skilled volunteer workforce."

Shropshire Council recently featured in a report about the Rural Prosperity Fund's benefits of this project.