Lock gate shear pins removed and boat stuck in lock

Published: Wednesday, 31 July 2024

THE Audlem Flight on the Shropshire Union Canal is closed.

Audlem FlightThis, Canal & River Trust maintain, is the result of vandals removing the shear pins at the top of the tail gates of Lock 10, yesterday, Tuesday, Keith Gudgin reports.

The trust maintain this is a serious incident, and looks like vandalism.

Boat stuck in lock

The shear pins at the top of the gates have been removed and when the lock was being emptied, the gates dropped and are now inoperable, with the boat stuck in the lock.

The big problem is that 'the team' could not do any remedial works to resolve this as lifting equipment is needed and there isn't any in the vicinity.

LATEST—Wednesday. Still waiting for lifting equipment to be brought to the site.