Email: Situation on the GU

Published: Wednesday, 05 October 2016

I was most pleased that someone has dared to write about the situation of the Grand Union Canal with all those continuous moorers.

I have tried to take the official path and have complained to the area office of the Canal & River Trust, and have received polite replies, but nothing has been done.

The whole area that your correspondent referred to is a blot on the landscape; you have never seen such detritus along a waterway, and there is no mooring near bridges near towns, with every bit of Armco taken up by what are called continuous moorers.

A very long time ago there was an attempt to rid them by British Waterways, with large buoys being placed where boats had been moved, but all it did was move them somewhere else, where they were left, with the impression that locals had complained and so they had been moved on.

Paul Riley