Thwarted by bureaucracy

Published: Friday, 03 April 2015

I REALLY feel for The Wey & Arun Canal Trust. Its members have produced fantastic results by their own determination and loads of very hard work due to the herculean efforts of a dedicated body of people, writes Orph Mable.

Now to have this idiocy (Natural England stops restoration) thrust upon them at the time of year when much progress could have been made.

Like-minded enthusiasts

I recall a time, over a decade ago when a body of like-minded enthusiasts cleared a rubbish dump to restore a short length of canal (totally unconnected to other waterways). Before work began it was totally overgrown and the canal position only known due to old maps and local knowledge.

After months of backbreaking work, a clear canal bed was produced over the dry summer. This dry bed filled with clean rain water over the winter to give a depth of 10 inches or so.

Not publicised

As the year warmed up in the spring sunshine, the workers were astounded to see a good colony of newts (some up to six inches long) swimming around in the shallow water. Where did they come from? Who knows? However it demonstrated that nature will find the most suitable habitat, if you let it take its course. I might add that the ‘restorers' did not publicise this fantastic occurrence for obvious reasons.

I have been vague about locations and people to avoid the senseless interference by bureaucracy in future work at that location for (again) obvious reasons.

Unfortunately for Wey & Arun Canal Trust, it is too late and this costly delay will be very demoralising.