Two CaRT's?

Published: Wednesday, 04 February 2015

With so much interest by CaRT in things that have absolutely nothing to do with either the maintenance of the canals or boating, wouldn't it he an idea to separate the two? Writes James Henry.


The latest scheme to have awards for non-waterway schemes and its love of nature and the like I believe should be put in the hands of section of CaRT that is entirely separate from the running and particularly the maintenance of the canals.

Provide an income

As we are told the very diverse Waterway Partnerships have been set up to provide an income, then this particular income could be used to further the many non-waterway activities, especially as the Waterways Partnerships are mostly non-waterway in any case.

Then the money from the government and boaters could go to where it is supposed to go—to look after the canals. Otherwise, as many of your writers have pointed out, the money wasted on the schemes will slowly but very surely kill the canals completely, especially as more and more schemes are being hatched whilst income get less as more and more paying boaters leave the canals.