Email: Hard work

Published: Saturday, 04 October 2014

Both the wife and I can but agree with what Victor wrote about the Leicester Section, it really is now hard work.


We too had not visited it for a number of years, and we too found a great difference. My wife usually prefers to do the locks to chat with other boaters, but this time she was finding the locks extremely difficult, so time and time again we had to swap places and for me to operate the locks, which I found not only difficult to move, but as Victor told, auto opening, that another boater had also discovered.

But not only that, even though we had done the section in the school holidays, my wife found there were very few other boaters to chat with. It was obvious that boaters are shunning the part between Leicester and Foxton, and obviously for very good reason.

It is getting very obvious that the the canals are being very neglected, but as Allan Richards pointed out if the charity is more bothered about giving hundreds of thousands of pounds for what it calls waterway partners instead of spending where it should, little wonder.

Helen & Geoff Topham