Lock gates falling apart

Published: Friday, 29 August 2014

THOUGH Canal & River Trust tend to blame vandals for lock beams breaking, many boaters are aware that it is because they are rotten and need replacing.

Another one is one the narrow locks at Stourport down to the Severn as Jenny Tyte explains.

Structure failure

Only a few hours after we went down Stourport Basin narrow locks on Tuesday I had a CaRT email saying that there was a 'structure failure' and the narrow locks were closed—use the broad locks instead.

On our return, a few days later via Droitwich, I was happy to see that the restriction was still in force; in 40 years cruising I had never been through the broad locks. What has happened is that the balance beam of the top lock has broken through rottenness and until they can make a new one it's the broad locks for everyone.

Apparently this will take some time, as 'they haven't cut the tree down yet'.