The rope and washers problem solved

Published: Monday, 22 December 2014

NO ONE really explained the reason for the fender on a rope together with large steel washers, that Victor pictured, but one boater now has—they are used by unscrupulous boaters as boat snares.

There are a few of them placed up the Caldon Canal by a so-called canal lover but cannot be proved, Neil Fraser writes.

For maximum damage

The washers are for maximum damage as they take good lumps out of your prop. About six boats here have been on the receiving end of them this year. (Photo by Keith Gudgin.)

We enjoy reading your site, but what I would like to read about is the goings-on around smaller canals like the Caldon as a lot of enforcement doesn't seem to apply up here.

No licences

There are 10 boats in a very small area locally known as happy corner that have not paid licences on their boats for eight years. Plus, nothing gets said or done as it's too much trouble. Sorry, rant over, but I would be willing to supply information for the local area, I been living on board up here for 30 years. Heard and seen it all!