Asked to spy on boats

Published: Monday, 07 January 2013

THOUGH many believe our reporting on the spying antics on boaters was somewhat far-fetched, it is actually happening, and even more widespread than at first thought.

In addition to the Inland Waterways Association people asking local area members to spy on fellow boaters, as revealed by our Allan Richards, Canal & River Trust enforcement people are also approaching boaters to act as spies.

This morning, boater James Cookes told narrowboatworld:

"I was approached by a mooring enforcement office to spy on two boats in a certain area. I was assured that I could do so and not be bothered if I kept reports coming on where they were going and what they were doing.

"I stress it was none of narrowboatworld's personnel, but I declined, it's not my job to keep tabs on boaters. So the answer is that it is going on—I got it first hand.

As our Victor Swift pointed out—Divide and rule certainly springs to mind...