Foxton Museum renovated

Published: Monday, 16 April 2012

THE waterways museum at Foxton has been renovated, and is now re-opened to the public.

Volunteers have been working on the interior of the building and arranging exhibits over the past two years, with it all coming to fruition, and opened in time for the new season, Alan Tilbury reveals.

New facilities

Work has included new archive and research facilities and improvements to the shop display, together with space for meetings and lectures.

To keep the interest of the public, a special area has been created to house temporary exhibits and exhibitions, with the first of these being the history of British Waterways, with Mike Beech, Museum Keeper stating:

Difficult to get

"The new display covers the history of British Waterways, which is all within my lifetime. I was surprised how difficult it was to get some of the information."

Foxton Inclined Plain Trust Vice Chairman, Warren Dawson, gave a brief report on the trust's work on the restoration of the boat lift at Foxton, telling that there are plans to submit a lottery bid.