Oldest dredger saved

Published: Monday, 31 October 2011

AN APPLICATION to the Heritage Lottery Fund  by Friends of Gloucester Waterways Museum for money to repair the oldest steam dredger has proved successful.

The museum has secured £43,300 for repair to one of their favourite exhibits, the dredger SND No 4, that is the oldest working steam dredger in Europe and was still active in steam until earlier this year.  The photograph shows the 'Wednesday Gang' on the dredger.

Boiler tubes

However it was discovered that several boiler tubes needed replacing, and so the application was made for the money.

Built in Holland in 1925, it regularly dredged the Gloucester & Sharpness Docks until 1981, when it was replaced by a diesel dredger.

The SND No 4 has been the star attraction at the museum, hissing steam and clanking of the steel buckets, that helped draw museum visitors to the museum.

Sad day

Ken Dunn, Vice Chairman of the Friends of Gloucester Waterways Museum related:

"It was a sad day when we realised that without external funding the old girl would not work again. So began the long process of applying for the lottery funding. Something that the Friends could not have achieved without the professional help of Kim Chester, Development Manager, of The Waterways Trust."

Struggling to stay alive

Two years ago the Gloucester Waterways Museum was struggling to stay alive but with the help of staff, volunteers and the Friends it has rounded the bend and is very much afloat.

Following repairs to the dredger, the money from the Heritage Lottery Fund will be used to develop and promote the dredger as a key learning resource at the museum.