Stop dumping in the canal

Published: Friday, 07 October 2011

THE boss of Pennine Boat Trips at Skipton on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal wants fly tippers to stop dumping their rubbish in the waterway.

Nick Osborn spent hours untangling a mattress from the stern and propeller of one of his boats, after it had been picked up whilst cruising, Alan Tilbury reports.

Other boaters

Fly tippers are using the waterway as an handy dumping ground, with other boaters too complaining of spending time down their weed hatches to clear the propellers of debris.

Tyres too are often caught, and their steel ribbing, once wrapped round, is extremely difficult to remove.

The Leeds & Liverpool Canal passes through many industrial towns and built up areas, and with the reduction in maintenance, the situation has become a great deal worse over the past few years.