Canal & River Trust

Published: Thursday, 06 October 2011

Canal & River Trust is to be the new name then for the future of British Waterways, writes James Henry.

Nothing else seems to be said about the future, just the change of name. But what must worry a great many people, for it certainly worries me, is what else will change?

Will all those directors still get their outrageous payments? But more to the point will they be stopped making their money-wasting decisions when next April comes along?  I have for long been a fan of Allan Richards whom I believe has done, and is doing excellent service  by continually disclosing the facts of what is actually taking place behind our backs.

It really needs a clean sweep, for though I realise the adage 'better the devil you know', surely nothing could be worse than the present.

I'm hoping that eventually the Canal & River Trust will be steered by people who understand the waterways, and those that use them.

James Henry