The rowers win

Published: Friday, 22 July 2011

THE rowers on the Cam at Cambridge have won their battle over Mr Asbo—the aggressive swan.

For two years the rowers have been trying to get rid of the swan who takes a dislike to rowers in his patch, but local feeling for the bird has won his reprieve in the past, but now the rowers have had their way, and he will be moved, Alan Tilbury tells us.

Three cygnets

Named Mr Asbo, he is particularly aggressive at the moment having his mate and three cygnets to protect, and woe betide any rower who dares come near, with many terrified of him!

During the Town Bumps rowing races, river managers plan to move him and his family away, expecting him to follow their motor boat, that will come into action before each race.

Protect both parties

The RSPCA tell that it was common for swans to display aggressive behaviour if they believed their young to be in danger, with the Cam Conservators believe that leading the family of swans away from the rowing races will protect both parties.

A local resident has agreed to keep the swans in his garden during the races, but it is not known what Mr Asbo will think about that!