Waterways champion for London Mayor?
THE news that Assembly Member Jenny Jones of the Green Party will stand against Boris Johnson and Ken Livingstone in next year's Mayoral election in London should please all who use the city's waterways.
For Jenny is a champion of the waterways, in fact just after the news was announced, she found time to visit the Regents Canal in Islington to discuss waterway problems with Del Brenner of the Regents Network.
London Waterways Commission
Jenny Jones was Deputy Mayor under Ken Livingstone, and she set up the London Waterways Commission as an advisory body on London's Waterways, of which Del Brenner, a regular contributor to narrowboatworld, is a member, and tells us:
"Whenever we need some help or advice about London's canals, Jenny is always there to give support and practical assistance, and she does a lot of follow-up work in the background with letters and questions. She is very persistent."
Owns a narrowboat
Jenny knows London's canals well, and her partner owns a narrowboat on the Regents Canal. Only a couple of weeks ago she was guest speaker at the Friends of Regents Canal meeting at the London Canal Museum at Kings Cross. She talked with enthusiasm about the potential of London's canals, and also of her disappointment that 'London's waterways are a neglected and wasted resource'.
The meeting was left in no doubt that Jenny Jones was a committed and forward-looking campaigner for the active and long-term future of our canals.
Canal takeover in London
At a recent People's Question Time where the Mayor and Assembly Members face a barrage of questions and comments from Londoners, the Mayor was asked if he would consider taking over the management of London's canals from British Waterways.
The Mayor responded "I'm keen on that. I like that idea," but Jenny Jones immediately intervened and commented, "An absolutely brilliant idea. If we can have a budget as well as the waterways that would be fantastic, and I would put myself forward to chair that."
Not be in better hands
If the take-over of London's canals by the GLA takes place (and the Mayor has since confirmed that he will explore the concept so he can have discussions with government), then the management could not be in better hands than those of Jenny Jones remarks Del.
The Green's 2004 Deserted Highways report can be found on the Friends of Regents Canal website following Jenny Jones's guest appearance at their last meeting at the London Canal Museum: