The Leeds & Liverpool is a risk too far

Published: Monday, 13 July 2020

HAVING just read your article that the Leeds & Liverpool Canal is closed again I'm of the opinion that anyone attempting it is taking a risk too far, writes T. Lang.

Just had a look back through your site and the times that waterways has been closed is phenomenal, yet some 20 years ago we were moored for five years at Skipton and cruised the canal extensively yet not once met a broken swing bridge or broken cill, that is the norm nowadays.

British Waterways cared more

It proves one thing that British Waterways cared a great deal more for the canals that Canal & River Trust do.  Perhaps if it cared less for pandering to the towpath users, its self aggrandisement and its silly 'wellbeing' there would be the money for maintenance as there was in the old days.

As your Victor has often told, these constant failures are proof that the 'wait until it breaks' regime is alive and well.  But no good for us boaters.