'Rochdale Nine' closed for six weeks

Published: Friday, 27 January 2017

THE 'Rochdale Nine' through Manchester is to be closed next week until the middle of March to replace gates on two locks as part of the winter maintenance.

Locks 84 and 85 (pictured) will have gates replaced and work undertaken on the lock walls with the waterways closed for an estimated six weeks whilst the work is carried out.

No access

This part of the 'Nine' is known as the Piccadilly Undercroft, which flows underneath the main A6 Piccadilly Road, near the Malmaison Hotel and Ducie Street. A secure construction site is due to be set up during the week beginning February 6th and public access to the site will not be possible.

Local Canal & River Trust Manager David Baldacchino explained:

"Lock gates only have a working lifespan of two to three decades, so they do need to be replaced at fairly regular intervals. This vital improvement work should really help boaters enjoy a smoother passage through the city centre waterway."