'Bargees' have CaRT on the ropes

Published: Friday, 10 June 2016

YOU may not agree with the policy of the National Bargee Travellers Association (NBTA), but it certainly has Canal & River Trust 'on the ropes' with its enviable publicity campaign.

It's publicity department is second to none, gaining itself huge coverage for its 'Lifestyle under threat' campaign, gaining huge coverage from local and national newspapers, even including the Daily Mirror.

Evicted from their homes

The newspapers feed on stories put out by the Bargees that their members are being evicted from their homes, their way of life is under threat and such like, with really nothing in reply from the Trust, with its spokesman telling the Mirror:

"We're trying to communicate better, with more clarity, so people understand how we interpret the rules."

No policy

Whilst the Bargees keeps up their campaign, the Trust seems to have no policy of really countering the onslaught or in fact any one capable of putting it across.

Yet we all know that it is just a few boating families wanting to keep children at school and boaters at work in one place, on a continuous cruiser licence without actually cruising.

Many boaters know the obvious answer.  If they wish to stay in one place then pay for a mooring.  Something, of course, that is never mentioned in the Bargees campaign.