How many boats sunk?

Published: Wednesday, 20 January 2016

HAS there been a day of boats sinking in locks on the Grand Union Canal, or don't the people at Canal & River Trust know which lock is which?

A stoppage notice was sent out telling that Denham Lock was closed as a boat had sunk in the lock, and that it was working with the owner to raise it, Keith Gudgin tells us.

Another boat?

Then two days later CaRT told of another boat sunk on the Grand Union, this time at Widewater Lock, and again it was working with the owner to raise it.

So are there two boats sunk in adjoining locks on the Grand Union Canal, or is it that CaRT had it wrong, so issued a further notice?  Perhaps it would have been sensible to tell.

Perhaps we can rely on River Canal Rescue, who undoubtedly will have the job of raising the boat/boats to put us straight...

And another

Another stoppage notice tells us that Grant's Lock is closed on the Oxford Canal 'due to an underwater obstruction'.

Is this another boat sunk, and perhaps CaRT really doesn't want it known that its locks are rather dangerous? Once again it would have been sensible to tell.