Council voting fiasco

Published: Friday, 27 November 2015

WHAT I now find interesting is that we are supposed to have received codes to enable us to vote in the election for the CaRT Council. In my case I should have had a vote as a boat owner and one as a registered volunteer. I've had neither, writes Richard Hall.

They did say to contact the Electoral Reform Services if I hadn't had my codes so I did just that. They told me that I wasn't on the list of eligible boating voters supplied to them by CaRT but after I had supplied them with the various details which they requested I did get my codes after a couple of days.

Eligibility as a volunteer

It wasn't until after this that I realised my eligibility to vote as a volunteer but I'm afraid I just can't be bothered to go through the process again with the Electoral Reform Services.

It does make you wonder how many more boaters and volunteers have been disenfranchised by CaRT due to their incomplete lists though doesn't it.? Is this more incompetence by the Licensing Dept. as presumably it is they who compiled the list of boaters?

[I too have not received any voting code to enable me to vote, so it would seem CaRT are simply choosing who can vote or perhaps who it doesn't want to, but alas after the IWA fiasco of last time, and the complete lack of real boater representation on the Council, I believe, as do many other boaters, it a waste of time anyway—Editor.]