BWML apologises for dirty tricks

Published: Monday, 07 September 2015

THE Canal & River Trust (CaRT) marina subsidiary BWML has apologised to competitors for using ‘dirty tricks' in the battle to fill berths.

The apology came after it had been found that BWML had been writing to local authorities asking them to investigate marina competitors provision of residential berths without planning permission and registration for council tax.

Financial problems

It is just days ago that Ed Helps, managing director of ABC Leisure Group Ltd, contacted narrowboatworld pointing out that, in addition to making a loss of £877,642 last financial year, BWML had written off £714,087 (Ed Helps on BWML).

However, it is not known if any ABC Leisure Group mooring interests were amongst those reported by BWML.

One in four empty

BWML provides more than 3,100 berths spread over 20 mooring locations. An unknown number of these are residential. Due to the supposedly countrywide shortage of residential moorings, it converted a further 30 berths to residential use last financial year.

However, despite the claimed market need, one in four of BWML's residential berths has remained empty!

Geoff Whyatt

Geoff Whyatt, BWML's Managing Director, has now apologised to competitors admitting that he should have approached them directly with his concerns rather than reporting them to the authorities.

Perhaps he should also apologise to them for not reporting BWML's biggest competitor, CaRT as well! After all, how many are residential on CaRT's directly managed moorings without planning permission or paying council tax?

[BWML have had residential berths ever since its inception, with  neither planning or paying council tax, and only recently fulfilled these obligations.]