The Web gets the K&A message across

Published: Wednesday, 08 July 2015

THE boaters on the Kennet & Avon Canal have well realised the advantage of the internet, and are using it to get their message across to Canal & River Trust.

Many boaters now realise that a complaint to the Trust these days has little effect, and often not even an acknowledgement, but using the internet in the form of a petition can soon get many signatures, with the Trust put in an unenviable position that its failures are being well aired.

Lack of facilities

Our Mick Fitzgibbons has alerted us to the latest petition of an effort to get the Trust to do something about the abysmal lack of facilities on the waterway:

'We require Richard Parry and Mark Evans jointly to undertake a review of the water points, Elsan toilet disposal points, rubbish disposal and recycling facilities on the Kennet and Avon Canal. The review should encompass the whole of the canal including the eastern end and particularly the stretch between Bedwyn and Tyle Mill where currently it is possible to cruise for at least three days without all these facilities being available, accessible or in working order. That is a distance of over 25 miles, 24 locks and 12 moveable bridges.

The review should take due consideration of any legal and or moral requirements including compliance with Environmental Protection Act 1990 the Duty of Care, Disability Discrimination Act 2004, 2010 and other relevant legislation. The result of the review must be published to all users, clubs, societies, organisations, trade, county and local authorities. The review will not be considered to be complete unless it contains written commitment and timescales for the provision of all identified requirements and remedial actions'.


Though this has only just been included, it has already prompted its first comments:

Eileen Goddard telling they spent years travelling on the canals going back to the K&A for winter couldn't stop long between Reading & Bedwyn facilities dreadful.

Lynn Higson stated that it needs to be sorted.

Tim Clarke told that major places such as Reading, Newbury & Bath do not have facilities. This is a disgrace.

Caroline Sheppard explained that they need these basic provisions to be able to fully enjoy the K&A at a leisurely pace and stop along the whole route without having to rush through sections just to get to the next water point.