Totally dishonest

Published: Monday, 22 June 2015

AT LAST someone has told what such a load of baloney the Bargees petition statement of its members loosing their homes really is, writes James Henry.

Clever yes, though totally dishonest, saying that Canal & River Trust is evicting its boat members when in truth they are actually evicting themselves by not doing what they signed to do.

CaRT not responsible

There is absolutely no way that Canal & River Trust can be held responsible for those boaters who agreed to continuously cruise, yet insist upon not doing so. They are risking loosing their homes themselves, as you so rightly pointed out.

The sooner that Canal & River Trust sorts itself out the sooner the never-ending spread of permanently moored boats and their detritus will be stopped, and these boaters will either continuously cruise as they agreed, get a mooring or failing both—get off the waterways and leave it to those who do abide by the rules.